The transition...

As summer slowly gives way to fall my seemingly ceaseless painting frenzy for weekly exhibition at the Artisan's Festivals eases off to a milder tempo. While there are still a few shows yet, it is not necessary for me to produce constantly to keep my booth stocked. It's time to turn with pleasure to the orders I have accumulated over the course of the summer. As I navigate through these there is suddenly time to allow for creating some new designs, and to give some attention to the long awaiting placemat project. It is among my goals to open an Etsy shop and get my placemats as well as the rest of my work to market.

It's a pleasant transition, and a somewhat complicated one, given the transitions my kids are handling as well. Back to school and schedules and sports and the general business of the school year. I will miss the freewheeling days of summer but there is some comfort in the order and routine imposed by the cycles of education!

Getting the Web Site together....

It's the busiest time of year for me with the Artisan's Festival in full swing. I am simultaneously attempting to launch this site and keep up with painting for the show and for orders!

Please bear with me as I get there... it should be just a matter of a week or so before you can view some examples of my work at this site!

Thank you for getting this far and please keep trying, meanwhile, you can find some examples of my work if you are on Facebook, I have a page called MV Cecily Handpainted Canvas Floorcloths, you will see some current work there!

Thanks again,
